Spectator Information
- Please be considerate to other spectators to ensure everyone can enjoy the event.
- Listen to the marshals – they are there to help you and ensure the event runs within the safety guidelines prescribed by the FIA and Motorsport Ireland, the governing body of Irish Motor Sport.
- If you do not abide by the instructions of marshals and event officials, the stage may be stopped or cancelled.
- Marshals and officials have the right to work without being abused or threatened. Abusive, threatening or violent behaviour towards officials (who are all volunteers) will not be tolerated and spectators will be evicted from the event.
- Please take all litter home with you or place it in the skips or black bags provided for this purpose.
- Do not light fires or barbeques. They can cause major fires with serious consequences.
- Do not bring fireworks to the event. They are very dangerous and could cause a serious incident with either other spectators or the competitors.
- Much of the Rally takes place in areas containing significant agricultural, forestry and nature conservation interests. Please follow the Countryside Code at all times.
- Consider your own safety and that of others at all time.